Friday 23 March 2012

Kenyan IIBEC another Kivuitu (ECK)

Kenyan IIEC another Kivuitu (ECK)

IIEC (led by Hassan) the body which has the task to carry out  Kenya's 2012. general election.   From its name, it is referred to as independent but from its actions we get the clue of how dependent it is.
Like the ECK which was led by Kivuitu in 1997, IIEC seems to be following the same footprints. ECK followed. This body tasks to carry 1997 was dependent on government officials and control in its actions from other powerful sources. Cause of its failure to deliver to the general mwananchi, it worked to deliver to a few and the country turned to a bloody state.
In its action in announcing the election date in 2013, IIEC seems to be not independent but dependent; controlled by some few people against the whole Kenyan state. The Prime Minister, Raila Odinga, announced his day sometimes back to be on 17 December 2012 while The President (Mwai Kibaki) announced his favorite date very recently to be on March. And the IIEC rushed immediately after the president declared his day, to announce the day of election to be 4 March 2012 against Kenyan majority citizens who are ready to go to election this December. 
The Justice Minister, Mutula Kilonzo, was fighting for a December day and he had put a bill in the house of parliament pushing for this day but just a day before the IIEC announcement, the justice minister rushes to withdraw the same bill showing his change of mind. What happened to him within a night to stop fighting for what he believed in?
IIEC even rushed before the court case is over to announce this day. Also the announcement was rushed without even informing the general mwananchi and the media prier to. Then who is the IIEC important person and who is IIEC working for; few powerful sources or Kenyan’s majority citizens?
Something is wrong, fishy, has cooked and is cooking in the IIEC. This body is no longer independent but dependent like the ECK in 1997.

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