Wednesday 21 March 2012

Kenya one launched

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Kenya One launched.
Kenya celebrities have come together to fight the biggest killer of the nation which is tribalism. Through the Kenya one campaign, musicians from all genres of music and other celebrities will tour the whole country sending a massage of fight against tribalism. All celebrities have put out their differences in support of peace under the Kenya one, one tribe, one country peace campaign.
Following the disputed2007 elections and the tribalism campaigns carried by politicians before the election, Kenya became a bloody country divided along tribal lines.
Since we are heading to election, it is time tribalism is fought for the country not to go down the same valley it was in 2007.
So the Kenyan celebrities have come up together through the ‘Kenya One’ to bring all Kenyans under one tribe and one country; Kenya. It is time tribalism is uprooted from its source in the country for ethic tribal clashes to cease. But how ill it be uprooted when the politicians are not practicing what they preach? As Size 8 said, ‘since we have the same platform as the politicians and the politicians are not doing it why can we use the mandate to better Kenya?’
The Kenya celebrities have tasked themselves with this task, to take the massage down to the people. They will tour the whole country under one burn ‘kenya one’ with shows, performances and conferences as they educate mwananchi about tribalism, its effect, how to destroy it completely and bring peace to the country..
Kenya one, one country, one tribe,  one people.  

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