Monday 2 April 2012


From kenyanomics


Many Kenyans do appreciate the building of thika Road as to many it will de-congest the city  and try to solve  the traffic jam menace on the me it is a well calculated move by the president to award his pears and his community. i like the way president kibaki does things in a well calculated manner to bind the Kenya and at the same time reward his own community for being loyal to him and also to try and make central Kenya the hub of this economy.

i have several facts to substantiate on this;

one: being in government in his first term he made sure that all machinery that will make a smooth decisions on the economic policies that were to be undertaken including naming his OWN in the dockets that where deemed necessary for the implementation of the policies and these include the ministry of finance, planning, Nairobi metropolitan, KIPPRA. it was complete and the next big challenge was to get the second term to roll out the decisions that were at the time of the of his first term still pending

Two: the reason fro the thika high way to be built was to open up the central part of Kenya....most people will now move to live along thika road to avoid the traffic jam to which most of the businesses there are owned by his keens men...testimonial to this is how high rise residential buildings are coming up along thika super high way as many would love to call it.

three. the resent publication by the ministry of planning and vision 2030 to start a city called tatu town in thika is evident of the intentions of the building of thika road. and for that reason, like kibaki and his way of tackling issues between helping his people without making the others raise a finger. and by the way Mombasa road has the worst traffic jam in the country but was not given the priority.

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