Who is Kenya fighting in Somalia?
Since Kenya went to war in Somalia against the Al-Shabaab, six months have gone and yet we are still counting. The country is struggling to keep herself in the ground and maintain a war it started against an un-familiar opponent; The Al-Shabaab. Who then is the Al-Shabaab?
Al-Shabaab means ‘the youth’ or ‘the boys’ and it is a Somalia based child of Al-Qaeda. Al-Shabaab is not a person, a thing or an entity but a network branch of the Al-Qaeda, which is a global broad-based militant Islamist organization comprising both a multinational, stateless army and a radical Sunni Muslim movement calling for global Jihad (Holy war). It is just a ‘piece of meat’ which represents the meat in east Africa.

Al-Qaeda is the head militant commanding unit of many Islamic militant groups which have been formed in several or all Arabic speaking nations. The groups include the, Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, Al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, East Turkestan Islamic Movement in Xinjiang, China, Taliban, Al-shabaab of Somalia, Islamic State of Iraq, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen and many more.
In nations where Sharia is the rule of law, Al-Qaeda enjoys a massive following and support. This network rests comfortable in the Arabic League and the governments of these nations cannot deny their existence as Osama Bin Laden said, ‘We are the children of a nation, and we are an inseparable part of it’. Through these Arabic nations with rich economies, resources (enormous oil and natural gas) and man-power, the Al-Qaeda operates to raise its revenue. It is a very rich militant unit with financial and militant power.
Like the Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab’s top priority goes to regimes with predominantly Arab or Muslim population that Al-Qaeda considers corrupt and to replace man-made laws with a hard-line form of Sharia law by inciting a global Jihad (Holy war) in Somalia, in the process of creating a new Islamic world wide caliphate which is Al-Qaeda’s top agenda. Countries like the United States and other western countries are seen by Al-Qaeda as blocking this goal and they are their main top target in attacks with Kenya now being officially in the list.

Also with Eritrea and other Arabic nationals from the Arabic league (which i will not maintain) supporting them enormously, Al-Shabaab becomes an unconquerable network. Through Al-Qaeda to Al-Shabaab this supporting countries fight for their interests in Somalia because it is their rich economical door in addition to its opening to the Indian Ocean. In addition fighting against a nation which is a member of the Arabic league is fighting the whole league and the whole league stands to support its own as stated in their mission.
Fighting Al-Shabaab is fighting Al-Qaeda and Kenya government should have realized this before going to the war putting in to memory what Al-Qaeda has done in Kenya. Going to war against the Al-Shabaab was ill advised and the dynamics of the war are beyond Kenyans approach. With Kenya being a third world country, struggling with its economy, no major resources, unemployment, lack of sophisticated equipments, cross-border invasions, corruption and many factors working against the country, where is the countries capability to fight the Al-Shabaab thus the Al-Qaeda and the Arabic nations with top interests in Somalia?
United States of America which is the super power has struggled to destroy Al-Qaeda and yet they have not achieved their goal for many years, how can Kenya do it? Furthermore the United Nations has distanced itself from Kenya inversion into Somalia. It is not funding KDF but the Amisom.
Kenya going to Somalia creates a religion war since Eritrea and other Arabic nations with great interest in Somalia will not let Al-shabaab be contented with and Kenya cannot stand a war with this nations.
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